The wind will not always be around.

The wind will not always be around. Wind, is a momentary event, which does not wait for anyone. It is the decision of the person to choose whether to use it wisely, let it blow by. The wind is much like chances; the chances that give opportunities beyond imagine. These chances, like the wind, will not wait, and it is the choice of the person to use it wisely. The essay, fall From University grace by Marty J. Chan illustrates this vividly. In this essay, the author talks about how he had the chance, the opportunity, to go to university, which is a great honour. With this chance, many would try their hardest to push themselves through this difficult, but rewarding opportunity, but unlike the others, the author abused his opportunity and he let it slip away. In the essay, Marty says “ Just as Adam was kicked out of Eden, I was kiscked out of university; but while his transgression was eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge, my sin was ignoring the tree". The tree symbolizes the opportunity that Marty ignored, which had caused him to lose his privilege. The media piece that I have chosen is the lyrics to a song by Avril Lavigne, which is called Sk8ter boi. This song is literally about a girl and a boy and how they met, but if the song is dissected enough, it shows how chances should not be left unused. In the song, it says that the girl liked the boy, and the boy liked the girl, but because of his appearance. In the song, it states:

“But all of her friends stuck up their nose 
they had a problem with his baggy clothes. 

He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy 
He wasn't good enough for her

This quote shows that she looked down upon him because of the way he looked, she felt like she could do better than him. Opportunities come in different packages, some look small at first, but it will grow as it is “used”.  In the song, it also says that five years later, after she let the chance slide away, she is in a bad, dark place with everything she tried to avoid, while a different girl took the opportunity that she did not take, and the opportunity that she let slip away had grown into something that everyone sees. In this case, the skater boy becomes a big rock star and is living a great life with someone else. In both the essay and the song, they had the opportunity, but both chose to let it slip away, which put them into situations where they wished they used the chance wisely.
Chances come and go, the way they are used will always vary, but when they are used the right way, the outcomes are phenomenal. Every chance counts, use every one wisely.

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