Why make a blog?

         Hi, my name is Raksha and this is my first blog, which I am so excited to start! The purpose of this awesome blog is to comment and compare the thematic connections between the reading materials that I am given in class with media I find! This is for, you guessed it, english.

Two-faced : Hidden feelings

        Every person has two faces, but how is it possible? Is it that they are born with a genetic disorder? Or did they stick someone else's head on their shoulder? Though having two faces may sound absurd, the short story, The Lottery, vividly illustrates this theme. In this story, the hypocritical citizens celebrate a disgusting event called the lottery, which is said to be a sacred ritual in their village. The lottery is basically like a normal lottery, but everyone in the village participates. The consequence of this lottery is being stoned by the people that surround you. The piece of media I have chosen is an image of a man holding a mask in front of his real face. If you look closely, the mask is smiling, but the man's face is angry, scary and cruel, very similar to the lottery and the citizens of the village. I felt that this image portrayed this story well because in the story, everyone hides their true feelings inside of them, and "wears" a mask over their feelings. Also, the lottery hides all the cruel punishment behind its name. The lottery is known as a great experience to us as readers, we know it as an event where a lucky winner wins something of value, but in this story, the lottery is given the same happy feeling, but with a horrible consequence. Even though the lottery is a terrible event, the citizens seem to except it for what it is, or hide their feelings behind a smile, until it affects them personally. Before the lottery occurs, everyone is cheerful and excited, but when it is time for the event to take place, we see a sudden change of feelings towards the lottery. The villagers start to dread the moment where one of their beloved friends or family members are going to be stoned. Through the short story "The Lottery" and the picture shown above, it is vividly and clearly shown that life is full of lies. People will always hide their true feelings towards certain situations. This mask that rules our modern world may be the consequence we face in the future.